Saturday, June 10, 2017

Book: "No Middle Name" by Lee Child

I first got hooked on Lee Child's Jack Reacher series after reading "Tripwire" (I was glued to the page-turner and read it one sitting) and have since read all (?) of the Reacher books, the next one being conceived and written better than the last. The latest Child book featuring the lone soul is a collection of short stories entitled "No Middle Name" (appropriate since Reacher HAS no middle name), 12 concisely, well-conceived and well-written stories featuring Reacher as a child, as a teenager and as the man-of-the-world he has become.

Child's writing is a sparse and as interesting as ever, moving the action forward with precise words and short sentences that doesn't leave the reader in a fog of flowery word flow. Nope, like Reacher himself, Child is straightforward, sparing no extra illustrative imagery and painting a virtual canvas of realism (at least in Reacher's world) that is both compelling and fulfilling. Each story unfolds quickly and by the time the end of the story is told, you'll be kicking yourself whispering "why didn't I see that coming" or "why didn't I figure that out".

More importantly, the reader gets a fuller picture of how Reacher became who he is...there's a tale involving his parents, one where he and family are transferred to Okinawa, even one where he meets the serial killer Son of Sam amidst a city-wide blackout whilst a teenager. This book adds more depth to Reacher's back story and now moving forward, I can see through all of the books, the reasons why Reacher thinks the way he thinks and acts the way he acts. "No Middle Name" cast such a rounder light through which we can see Reacher through other prisms of his life. 

Can't wait for more!